Small Moments That Make a Big Difference in Motherhood
Okay, can we be real?!
Motherhood sometimes feels like joining a wild circus where you’re simultaneously the ringmaster, the clown, and the person cleaning up after the elephants.
Ya know?
Some days you’re not even sure which role is the most challenging.
Like, is it breaking up the sibling WWE match happening in the living room, or scraping mystery substances off the kitchen floor that may or may not have once been part of lunch?
The other day, I was on a work call—one of those rare moments where I was trying to seem somewhat put-together—when my two-year-old started celebrating a potty-training victory with his sisters right outside my office door. Cue the yelling, jumping, and clapping from all three kids.
Yes, my client heard. And yes, we laughed (and celebrated too) because she’s a mom and totally got it.
As I hung up the call, it hit me how I’m never just in one role. Even when I’m trying to focus on work, I’m still partly in “Mom mode”.
And for the longest time, it felt like I’d completely disappeared into that role.
My identity was swallowed up by snack-making, tantrum-managing, and dry shampoo.
Who was I before tiny humans took over my life?
I couldn’t quite remember.
And I was so deep in the role that reconnecting with pre-mom me felt like a far-off dream.
What I’m doing now…
But here’s the thing –
I’m slowly reclaiming myself, one stolen moment at a time.
Those precious pockets of me-time are sometimes the luxuries I need in a day – and sometimes they’re pure survival tactics.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not soaking in a bubble bath or going for a long solo walk in the middle of the day – I don’t have time for that. (Let’s be real, if I’m alone for more than 5 minutes, someone’s definitely drawing on a wall or trying to “help” fold laundry.)
But I am taking 5 minutes to listen to my (new) playlist while the kids colour. (I kinda forgot about how much music can change my whole mood!)
Or enjoying a glass of wine with my husband on a Friday night after the kids are in bed.
Or indulging in my romance novel instead of working or tackling the never-ending to-do list for the evening.
And I’m realizing that these little moments—these small, intentional acts of reconnecting with myself—matter more than I ever thought.
They remind me that I’m still here, underneath the endless to-do lists and the chaos of motherhood. I’m still here.
So, if you’ve been waiting for the “perfect time” to find yourself again, let me tell you—it doesn’t exist.
Don’t wait.
You deserve to feel like you now, not someday when things “settle down.”
So…over to you…
What’s one small thing you can try today?
Maybe it’s –
- Turning up your favorite song (or a song that makes you feel nostalgic) and dancing in the kitchen (nobody’s watching so shake that booty!)
- Stealing 10 minutes to read a book that’s just for fun
- Reconnecting with an old hobby (any other crocheters out there?)
- Watching your favourite show or movie
- Or texting a friend who reminds you of who you were before motherhood
Start small. Those tiny moments of joy add up, and they’re worth every second.
Cheers, mama. You’ve got this. 💕